Why Keystone Symposia?
See what they're saying about us!

I was very impressed by the high standard of science which was presented at this meeting. The meeting was attended by the who’s who of diabetes and obesity research in the world, many of whom, of course, are old friends and collaborators of mine. Overall, without any hesitation I can say this was one of the most stimulating conferences that I have attended in recent times. One of the highlights of the conference was the one to one networking opportunities with the editors of top journals of the Nature and Cell group, many of whom have now become good friends of mine. This has also led to some possible publications in some of their journals. I wish to congratulate you and your whole team on the way in which the Symposia was organized. I do look forward to continued interaction with you in the future.
Dr. V. Mohan, MD, PhD, D.Sc
Dr. Mohans Diabetes Specialties Center & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, India

Keystone Symposia has always been willing to take risks in supporting meetings around new areas of biology and embracing the concept of bringing people from different research disciplines together with the goal of fostering new research directions.
Jim Wells, PhD
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation

The Keystone Symposia Fellows Program made me more savvy and optimistic about my career path. The Fellows Friday writing sessions were especially helpful and played a big part in getting my first last-author paper published in PNAS.
Tamia Harris-Tryon, MD, PhD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

The speaker selection was fantastic and in fact, this was one of the best conferences I've been to with respect to female speakers, as well as representation of women at all career stages.
Keystone Symposia Scholarship/Travel Awardee

Keystone Symposia are amazing meetings that have sparked entirely new directions and have fostered interdisciplinary science!
Anne Brunet, PhD
Stanford University

The future would not have looked so bright without Keystone Symposia – sort of like “It's a Wonderful Life” of life sciences!
Frank Slack, PhD
Harvard Medical School

I thought it was really entertaining when I introduced my trainees to Tom Cech at a 2017 meeting and Tom was terrific and approachable. My trainees never forgot that firstly, senior/well known scientists can be so fun to talk to, and also that as a mentor, they really appreciated me connecting them to leaders in the field.
Gene Yeo, PhD
University of California, San Diego

I have the strongest emotional attachment to the Keystone Symposia among scientific meetings. I still remember feeling inspired and overwhelmed at my first Keystone Symposia as a trainee…fifteen years have passed and I still feel the same way. These experiences tremendously influenced my career trajectory and have provided the highest quality science and best network opportunities.
Shingo Kajimura, PhD
Harvard Medical School

With their smaller size, fantastic settings, and outstanding scientific value, Keystone meetings have been invaluable to the scientific and biomedical enterprise.
Bob Farese, Jr., MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Keystone Symposia conferences bring terrific groups of researchers scattered across the globe, under one roof, and provide the opportunity to unify concepts, define key questions, and share techniques.
Dave Masopust, PhD
University of Minnesota

The Keystone Symposia meetings are a unique academic treasure and provided me the opportunity to connect with my science heroes when I was young scientist.
Liz Jaffee, MD
Johns Hopkins University

Even more than for most Keystone topics, the value of this conference (Long COVID) was community-building. Its a topic area that has lacked community and avenues of communication between people working in very distinct fields and places. The connections forged at this meeting were obvious and, I think, revolutionary for driving the science forward.

Cutting-edge science and community building, which embody the Keystone Symposia "brand", were instrumental in building my confidence as a scientist and making me realize that I am part of a larger engine of discovery. Keep fighting for inclusion and equity, to provide a platform where people from all over the world and all walks of life feel empowered to pursue science.
Shruti Naik, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

It has been such a honor to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Symposium in Banff. I was happy to be able to talk to many collegial scientists across the globe and was inspired by some of the most impressive and provocative talks. Despite the long journey from Detroit to Banff, I would say this conference on MASH and liver fibrosis is no doubt the best one I have ever attended in my whole career.
Xin (Tony) Tong, MD, PhD
University of Michigan Medical School

Keystone Symposia meetings are a fantastic place to listen to great talks on topics you care about, meet with colleagues, funders, and editors to talk science and have fun, and to mentor young students, postdocs and investigators. It is unique!
Len Zon, MD
Harvard Medical School

As a graduate student, Keystone Symposia exposed me to the work of many science luminaries. My fondest memory is meeting my future wife Linda, who also showed slides at a KS conference on transcription in Park City in 1986. I am looking forward to more Keystone Symposia!
Michael Karin, PhD
University of California, San Diego

It was my great pleasure to co-organize the symposium with Keystone. The Keystone brand and reputation clearly brought out a number of new laboratories and many scientists new to the field. I would be very happy to collaborate with you on a future conference, as I think the meeting was quite a special one. I would be very happy to write grants and solicit support as needed.
Teresa Zimmers
Oregon Health & Science University

I've been going to Keystone conferences since I was a graduate student. Later in my graduate career, I came to Keystone and presented a poster, and I actually found my postdoctoral mentor at a Keystone meeting. Throughout the years, I went to many more Keystone meetings. As a postdoc I was funded for a travel scholarship many times and then as an independent researcher, I had the opportunity to receive a Keystone Fellowship position and that's been really valuable to me as well. I've been able to stay involved in the Keystone academic community and now actually plan my own conference that I'm very excited about. Keystone Symposia has been in an integral part of my professional success.
Rachel J. Roth Flach, PhD
Executive Director, Pfizer, Inc.
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In order to fulfill our mission, Keystone Symposia relies on financial support from organizations and individuals throughout the global life science community. Their generous gifts and grants fund many aspects of our meeting programs and scholarship opportunities, as a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization (Tax ID # 84-1326605).
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