Joint with: Immune Cell Therapies: Advances in Cancer and Autoimmune Disease
Cancer Immunotherapy: Clinical Lessons to New Modalities

Mar 16–19, 2025 | Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, AB, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Christian U Blank, Stefani Spranger and Anna Christina Obenauf

  In Person
  On Demand

Mar 16–19, 2025 | Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, AB, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Christian U Blank, Stefani Spranger and Anna Christina Obenauf

Supported by:
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: January 28, 2025
Scholarship Deadline: December 9, 2024
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: December 9, 2024
Poster Abstract Deadline: February 20, 2025
Meeting Summary

# Cancer
# Drug Discovery, Bioengineering and Digital
# Immunology

Cancer immunotherapy, in particular checkpoint inhibition targeting CTLA-4 and/or PD-(L)1 has revolutionized treatment and outcomes for many late-stage cancer patients. While checkpoint inhibitors are used in earlier and earlier stages and celebrate unparalleled response rates as neoadjuvants, some patients are intrinsically refractory to these treatments due to insufficient immune cell infiltration or T cell responses within the tumor. The major question remains, how to treat these patients.

This conference will assemble top experts in the field to address the unmet clinical needs, and discuss how immunotherapy can reach patient populations that currently do not benefit.  The program will explore how to overcome barriers to immune cell entry into tumors, as well as insufficient activation of anti-tumor immune responses. In addition, diverse immune cell therapies will be covered, from T-cell based mainstays like TILs, gene-modified T cells, and CAR-T cells, to emerging modalities deploying innate immune cells like dendritic and NK cells.  A major theme will focus on what we can learn from clinical failures with regards to improving the design immunotherapies, as well as how to strategically combine them with cellular therapies for optimal outcomes. This bedside to bench perspective will provide critical insight to drive scientific and clinical advances beyond current limitations.

This conference will be held jointly with the Keystone Symposium on Immune Cell Therapies: Advances in Cancer and Autoimmune Disease to enable cross-disciplinary insights and collaborations towards better outcomes for all cancer patients.  

In the video below, Dr. Christian U. Blank from the Netherlands Cancer Institute talks about what to expect from this meeting and why you should register today:

Dr. Christian U. Blank talks about the upcoming Keystone Symposium on Cancer Immunotherapy

And check out the exciting lineup of speakers in the video below:

Unique Career Development Opportunities

This meeting will feature a Career Roundtable where trainees and early-career investigators will have the opportunity to interact with field leaders from across academic and industry sectors for essential career development advice and networking opportunities. Find out more about Career Roundtables here:


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