Beyond Antibiotics: Emerging Strategies for Combating Bacterial Infection (D4)
May 4-7, 2026  | Village at Breckenridge, Breckenridge, CO, United States
Joseph P. Zackular, Kimberly Kline, Daria Van Tyne and Mariana X. Byndloss
Scholarship Deadline: Jan. 7, 2026 | Short Talk Abstract Deadline: Jan. 7, 2026 | Poster Abstract Deadline: Apr. 13, 2026 | Early Registration Deadline: Mar. 5, 2026
This meeting will feature a Career Roundtable where trainees and early-career investigators will have the opportunity to interact with field leaders from across academic and industry sectors for essential career development advice and networking opportunities.
* Session Chair † Invited but not yet accepted | Program current as of February 22, 2025 | For the most up-to-date details, visit
Monday, May 4, 2026
Registration (4:00–8:00 PM)
Welcome Mixer (6:00–8:00 PM)
Tuesday, May 5, 2026
Welcome and Keynote Address (8:00–9:00 AM)
Dianne K. Newman, California Institute of Technology
Rethinking AMR: How Heterogeneity in Metabolism Shapes Drug Resistance
Phage Biology and Therapy: Basic (9:00–11:15 AM)
Andrew Camilli, Tufts University
Phage Cocktails for the Control of Cholera
Katrine L. Whiteson, University of California, Irvine
Experimental Evolution of Gram Positive-Targeting Phages
Martha Clokie, University of Leicester
Getting Bacteriophages Closer to Clinical Development
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Symposia Spotlight 1: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions (2:30–4:30 PM)
Short Talks Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Available (4:30–5:00 PM)
Phage Biology and Therapy: Applied (5:00–7:00 PM)
Daria Van Tyne, University of Pittsburgh
Functional Genomics and Phage Therapy for Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infections
Paul E. Turner, Yale University
Leveraging Evolution to Fight Antibiotic Resistance with Phage Therapy
Susan M. Lehman, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
An in vitro Preclinical Model of Phage Dosing for Localized Infections
Alexander Sulakvelidze, Intralytix, Inc.
Phage Control of Pathogens in Food Processing, Medicine, and Environmental Settings
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Posters (7:30–10:00 PM)
Wednesday, May 6, 2026
Harnessing the Microbiome for Infection: Basic (8:00–11:00 AM)
Mariana X. Byndloss, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Host-Microbiota Metabolic Interactions during Infectious Gastroenteritis
Vanessa Sperandio, University of Wisconsin
Microbiota Control of EHEC Pathogenesis
Bärbel Stecher, TUM School of Life Sciences
Using Defined Microbiota Communities to Reveal Novel Insights into Colonization Resistance Against Salmonella
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Career Roundtable (3:00–4:30 PM)
Coffee Available (4:30–5:00 PM)
Harnessing the Microbiome for Infection: Applied (5:00–7:00 PM)
Joseph P. Zackular, University of Pennsylvania
Leveraging Ecology to Design New Therapeutic Strategies Against Clostridioides Difficile
Julie A. Segre, National Institutes of Health
Human Skin Microbiome: From Friends to Foes
Greg Medlock, Vedanta Biosciences
Microbiome Therapeutics in the Age of Multi-Drug Resistant Pathogens
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Posters (7:30–10:00 PM)
Thursday, May 7, 2026
Leveraging Immunity to Combat Bacterial Infection: Basic (8:00–11:00 AM)
Kimberly Kline, University of Geneva
Host-Pathogen Interactions in Mixed-Species Infections
Victor Torres, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Impact of Nutrition on Host-Pathogen Interactions during ESKAPE Pathogen Infection
Raphael Valdivia, Duke University
Akkermansia Mediated Control of Mucosal Immunity
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Symposia Spotlight 2: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions (2:30–4:30 PM)
Short Talks Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Available (4:30–5:00 PM)
Leveraging Immunity to Combat Bacterial Infection: Applied (5:00–6:45 PM)
Molly A Ingersoll, Institut Cochin & Institut Pasteur
Leveraging Mucosal Immunity in the Fight Against Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
Man-Wah Tan, Genentech, Inc.
Developing the Next-Generation of Therapeutics for Bacterial Infection
Andreas Peschel, Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine
Teichoic Acids at the Staphylococcus-Host Interface
Ann Marie Stanley, AstraZeneca
Monoclonal Antibodies to Prevent and Treat Bacterial Infections
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers) (6:45–7:00 PM)
Entertainment (8:00–11:00 PM)
Friday, May 8, 2026
Departure (12:00–11:59 PM)