Regenerative Biology of the Female Reproductive System

April 10-12, 2025 | Wylie Center and Tupper Manor at Endicott College, Beverly, MA, United States
Scientific Organizers: Kara McKinley, Margherita Y. Turco, Pradeep Tanwar and Amander Clark

  In Person
  On Demand

April 10-12, 2025 | Wylie Center and Tupper Manor at Endicott College, Beverly, MA, United States
Scientific Organizers: Kara McKinley, Margherita Y. Turco, Pradeep Tanwar and Amander Clark

Available Formats:   = In Person     = On Demand
Thursday, April 10, 2025
2:00–4:00 PM
Welcome and Keynote Address
4:00–5:00 PM
Diana W. Bianchi, NICHD, National Institutes of Health
Talk Title to be Announced
Regenerative Mechanisms in the Female Reproductive Tract
5:00–7:00 PM
Margherita Y. Turco, Friedrich Miescher Institute
Unravelling the Mechanisms Underlying Epithelial Repair in the Human Endometrium using Organoids
Kara McKinley, Harvard University
Mechanisms of Post-Menstrual Regeneration in vivo
Pradeep Tanwar, University of Newcastle
Molecular Basis of Fallopian Tube Epithelial Homeostasis
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Welcome Mixer
7:00–8:00 PM
Friday, April 11, 2025
7:00–8:00 AM
Mechanisms Underpinning Fertility and Infertility
8:00–11:00 AM
Amander Clark, University of California, Los Angeles
Mechanisms of Early Germ Cell Specification and Differentiation
Binyam Mogessie, Yale University
Mechanisms Leading to Declining Oocyte Quality with Age
Jan Brosens, University of Warwick
Dissecting the Mechanisms of Human Implantation
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:30–9:50 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:15–5:00 PM
Poster Setup
11:15–1:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Workshop: The Future of Female Reproductive Health and Health Equity from Bench to Bedside
2:30–4:30 PM
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Dysregulated Regenerative Mechanisms Driving “Benign” Gynecologic Conditions
5:00–7:00 PM
Linda G. Griffith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Identification of Core Pathways Deregulated in Endometriosis using in vitro Avatars
Digna R. Velez Edwards, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Fibroids, Keloids, and Hypertrophic Scars
Hilary Critchley, University of Edinburgh
Failures of “Wound” Repair and Endometrial Function during Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2025
7:00–8:00 AM
Dysregulated Regenerative Mechanisms in Reproductive Cancers
8:00–10:45 AM
Diego H. Castrillon, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Endometrial Cancer Onset and PAX2
Cindrilla Chumduri, Aarhus University
Tissue Homeostasis of the Cervix and its Alterations in Infection and Cancer
Alexander Nikitin, Cornell University
Dysregulated Stem Cells in the Pathogenesis of Gynecological Cancers
Dineo Khabele, Washington University School of Medicine
Drivers of Chemotherapy-Resistant Ovarian Cancer
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)
10:45–11:00 AM
11:00–11:59 PM

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