Joint with: Membrane Dynamics, Repair and Disease
Autophagy: Mechanisms to Therapy

January 1-4, 2026 | Location to be Determined
Scientific Organizers: Anne Simonsen, Sharon A. Tooze and Dan Baird

  In Person
  On Demand

January 1-4, 2026 | Location to be Determined
Scientific Organizers: Anne Simonsen, Sharon A. Tooze and Dan Baird

Available Formats:   = In Person     = On Demand
Thursday, January 1, 2026
4:00–8:00 PM
Welcome Mixer
6:00–8:00 PM
Friday, January 2, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote Address (Joint)
8:00–9:00 AM
Erika L Holzbaur †, University of Pennsylvania
Mitophagy and Lysophagy in Neurons
From Autophagy to Lysosomal Membrane Repair (Joint)
9:00–11:15 AM
Sharon A. Tooze, Francis Crick Institute
Role of PI 4-Kinases in Autophagy and Membrane Repair
Oliver Florey †, Babraham Institute
Conjugation of ATG8s to Single Membranes
Jayanta Debnath †, University of California, San Francisco
Non-Canonical ATG8ylation and Secretion
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:30–9:50 AM
Poster Setup
11:15–1:00 PM
On Own for Lunch
11:15–5:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Initiation of Autophagy
5:00–7:00 PM
Claudine Kraft †, University of Freiburg
Initiation of Cargo Sequestration in Selective Autophagy
Zvulun Elazar †, Weizmann Institute of Science
Autophagosome Morphogenesis
Nobuo N. Noda †, Hokkaido University
Reconstitution of the Autophagosome
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Keynote Address (Joint)
8:00–8:45 AM
Harald Stenmark †, Oslo University Hospital
Integration of ESCRTs and ATG8 Conjugation in Membrane Repair
Lysosomal Membrane Repair: ESCRTs and Beyond (Joint)
8:45–11:00 AM
Phyllis I. Hanson, University of Michigan
Calcium and ESCRTs in Membrane Repair
James H. Hurley, University of California, Berkeley
ESCRTs as Suppressors of Amyloid Spread
Claudio Bussi †, Nanyang Technological University
ESCRT and Stress Granule Mediated Resistance to Infection
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:00–5:00 PM
Poster Setup
11:00–1:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Career Roundtable (Joint)
3:00–4:30 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Regulation of Selective Autophagy
5:00–7:00 PM
J. Wade Harper †, Harvard Medical School
Autophagy Proteomics
Ivan Dikic †, Goethe University Medical School
ER-Phagy and Novel Pathways for Ubiquitination
Ai Yamamoto †, Columbia University
Autophagy in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Autophagy in Disease
8:00–11:00 AM
Anastasia Henry †, Denali Therapeutics
Pharmacological Targeting of Parkinson's Disease
Joseph D. Mancias †, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Autophagy Inhibition in PDAC
Dan Baird, Casma Tx
Pharmacological Tools to Study Autophagy and Treat Disease
Tina Schwabe †, Nine Square Therapeutics
Immunotargeting of Autophagy in Neurodegenerative Disease
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:00–5:00 PM
Workshop: Tools to Study and Target Autophagy
2:30–4:30 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Mitochondrial Clearance Pathways
5:00–6:45 PM
Anne Simonsen, University of Oslo
Regulation of HIF1a Induced Mitophagy
Michael Lazarou †, Monash University
Mitophagy's Impact on Cell Health
Chantell S. Evans †, Duke University School of Medicine
Mitochondrial Quality Control in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions
6:45–7:00 PM
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
Cash Bar
8:00–11:00 PM
8:00–11:00 PM
Monday, January 5, 2026
12:00–11:59 PM

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