Joint with: Non-Coding RNA Biology: New Roles and Diversity
RNA Mediated Regulation of Immunity: Mechanism, Disease and Therapeutics
Jan 27–30, 2025 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers:
Uttiya Basu, Sun Hur and Noam Stern-Ginossar
In Person
On Demand
Jan 27–30, 2025 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers:
Uttiya Basu, Sun Hur and Noam Stern-Ginossar
Available Formats:
Supported by:
In Person
On Demand
Available Formats: = In Person = On Demand
Monday, January 27, 2025
Booking Function
Merchandise Options
Registration Options
4:00–8:00 PM
Longs Peak Foyer
Welcome Mixer
6:00–8:00 PM
Longs Peak Foyer
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
7:30–8:30 AM
Quandary Peak
Welcome and Keynote Address (Joint)
8:30–9:45 AM
Longs/Grays Peaks
* Sebastian Kadener, Brandeis University
Session Chair
Session Chair
V. Narry Kim, Seoul National University Institute for Basic Science
Cellular Regulation of Exogenous Rnas: from Viral Rnas to Mrna Therapeutics
Cellular Regulation of Exogenous Rnas: from Viral Rnas to Mrna Therapeutics
Coffee Break
9:45–10:05 AM
Longs Peak Foyer
RNA Biology and Immune System Diseases (Joint)
10:05–12:05 PM
Longs/Grays Peaks
* Sun Hur, Harvard Medical School
Session Chair
Session Chair
Noam Stern-Ginossar, Weizmann Institute of Science
Viral Pathogenesis and RNAs
Viral Pathogenesis and RNAs
Schraga Schwartz, Weizmann Institute of Science
Charting the Ribosomal Epitranscriptome
Charting the Ribosomal Epitranscriptome
Judy Lieberman, Boston Children's Hospital; Harvard University
RNA Therapeutics to Modulate Tumor Immunity
RNA Therapeutics to Modulate Tumor Immunity
Max Lauring, Columbia University Medical Center
Short Talk: An Anti-Retrotransposon Silencing Mechanism Promotes Antibody Diversification
Short Talk: An Anti-Retrotransposon Silencing Mechanism Promotes Antibody Diversification
Ignacio Ruiz Fernández, Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research
Short Talk: T Cell-derived miR-721 as a Key Player in Inflammaging and Age-related Diseases
Short Talk: T Cell-derived miR-721 as a Key Player in Inflammaging and Age-related Diseases
Award Recipient Acknowledgement (Joint)
10:20–10:25 AM
Longs/Grays Peaks
Poster Setup
12:00–1:00 PM
Quandary Peak
On Own for Lunch
12:00–2:30 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Symposia Spotlight 1: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions
3:00–4:30 PM
Grays Peak
Valerie Griesche, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Impact of Adenosine mRNA Modifications on the Immune Function of Macrophages
Impact of Adenosine mRNA Modifications on the Immune Function of Macrophages
Ksenia Skvortsova, Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Molecular Mechanisms of Transient Re-activation of the Inactive X Chromosome During Female Immune Cell Development
Molecular Mechanisms of Transient Re-activation of the Inactive X Chromosome During Female Immune Cell Development
Daniel E Whisenant, Columbia University
RNA Processing Mechanisms in B Cell Development
RNA Processing Mechanisms in B Cell Development
* Claudia Ribeiro de Almeida, Babraham Institute
RNA Helicase Ddx1 Regulates Germinal Centre Selection and Affinity Maturation by Promoting Trna Ligase Activity
RNA Helicase Ddx1 Regulates Germinal Centre Selection and Affinity Maturation by Promoting Trna Ligase Activity
Alicia Gonzalez-Martin, Autonoma University of Madrid
Regulation of B Cell Tolerance and Autoimmunity by MicroRNAs
Regulation of B Cell Tolerance and Autoimmunity by MicroRNAs
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Longs Peak Foyer
Gene Expression Control in Infection and Immunity
5:00–7:00 PM
Grays Peak
* Ram Savan, University of Washington
Session Chair
Session Chair
Kate A Fitzgerald, University of Massachusetts Medical School
lncRNA Mediated Regulation of Innate Immunity
lncRNA Mediated Regulation of Innate Immunity
Amy L Kenter, University of Illinois College of Medicine
Exuberant long noncoding RNA expression may regulate Igh locus function and V(D)J recombination on multiple levels
Exuberant long noncoding RNA expression may regulate Igh locus function and V(D)J recombination on multiple levels
Eric M Poeschla, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
ADAR1 Haploinsufficiency and Viral RdRp dsRNA Synthesis Synergize to Dysregulate RNA Editing and Cause Multi-system Interferonopathy
ADAR1 Haploinsufficiency and Viral RdRp dsRNA Synthesis Synergize to Dysregulate RNA Editing and Cause Multi-system Interferonopathy
Susan B Carpenter, University of California, Santa Cruz
High throughput and Targeted Approaches to Characterize lncRNAs in Macrophage Biology
High throughput and Targeted Approaches to Characterize lncRNAs in Macrophage Biology
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Poster Session 1
7:30–10:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
7:00–8:00 AM
Quandary Peak
Innate Immune Sensing of Foreign RNA
8:00–11:00 AM
Grays Peak
* Jayanta Chaudhuri, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Session Chair
Session Chair
Ram Savan, University of Washington
New Players in the RNA Sensing Pathway
New Players in the RNA Sensing Pathway
Sun Hur, Harvard Medical School
Cytoplasmic dsRNA Sensors
Cytoplasmic dsRNA Sensors
Karlene A Cimprich, Stanford University
RNA/DNA Hybrids and Immune System Activators
RNA/DNA Hybrids and Immune System Activators
Jacki Heraud-Farlow, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Short Talk: GGNBP2 Regulates Self-sensing of Cellular Double-stranded RNA Following Loss of ADAR1
Short Talk: GGNBP2 Regulates Self-sensing of Cellular Double-stranded RNA Following Loss of ADAR1
Ramin M Hakami, George Mason University
Short Talk: Small Extracellular Vesicles (sEV) Released by Cells Infected with the Cytoplasmic RNA Virus Rift Valley Fever Virus Protect against Viral Infection by Inducing RIG-I-dependent IFN-B Activation that Leads to Activation of Autophagy
Short Talk: Small Extracellular Vesicles (sEV) Released by Cells Infected with the Cytoplasmic RNA Virus Rift Valley Fever Virus Protect against Viral Infection by Inducing RIG-I-dependent IFN-B Activation that Leads to Activation of Autophagy
Michael Gantier, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Short Talk: 2’-O-Methyl-Guanosine 3-Base RNA Fragments Mediate Essential Natural TLR7/8 Antagonism
Short Talk: 2’-O-Methyl-Guanosine 3-Base RNA Fragments Mediate Essential Natural TLR7/8 Antagonism
Qin Li, University of Pennsylvania
Short Talk: MDA5-Mediated Immune Response to Endogenous dsRNAs as Driver of Type 1 Diabetes
Short Talk: MDA5-Mediated Immune Response to Endogenous dsRNAs as Driver of Type 1 Diabetes
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
Longs Peak Foyer
Poster Setup
11:00–1:00 PM
Quandary Peak
On Own for Lunch
11:00–5:00 PM
Career Roundtable (Joint)
1:00–2:30 PM
Grays Peak
Damian Refojo, Max Planck Partner Institute - Buenos Aires
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Jorge Henao-Mejia, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Emily M Anderson, Revvity, Inc.
Principal Scientist
Principal Scientist
Xiaoyi Yuan, UTHealth Houston
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Longs Peak Foyer
RNA Structure, Modifications and Processing in the Immune System
5:00–7:00 PM
Grays Peak
* Karlene A Cimprich, Stanford University
Session Chair
Session Chair
Uttiya Basu, Columbia University
Pathogenic Noncoding RNA Processing in Immune and Neural Diseases
Pathogenic Noncoding RNA Processing in Immune and Neural Diseases
Rhiju Das, Stanford University
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Designing Immunogenic RNAs
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Designing Immunogenic RNAs
Chuan He, University of Chicago
m6A RNA Modification in Immune Cells
m6A RNA Modification in Immune Cells
Jayanta Chaudhuri, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
G4 RNAs in B Cells
G4 RNAs in B Cells
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Poster Session 2
7:30–10:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Thursday, January 30, 2025
7:00–8:00 AM
Quandary Peak
Retrotransposition and RNA Viruses
8:00–11:00 AM
Grays Peak
* Trey Westbrook, Baylor College of Medicine
Session Chair
Session Chair
Kathleen H Burns, Dana Farber Cancer Institute | Harvard Medical School
The Immune Impact of L1 Retrotransposons
The Immune Impact of L1 Retrotransposons
Paul J. Lehner, Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease
How HUSH Directs RNA-Mediated Epigenetic Silencing
How HUSH Directs RNA-Mediated Epigenetic Silencing
Helen Rowe, Queen Mary University of London
HUSH Complexes in L1 Silencing in Immune Cells
HUSH Complexes in L1 Silencing in Immune Cells
Yorgo Modis, University of Cambridge
Structures of HUSH Domains | MDA5 Variants Trade Antiviral Activity for Autoimmune Protection
Structures of HUSH Domains | MDA5 Variants Trade Antiviral Activity for Autoimmune Protection
Tiffany Hsu, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Short Talk: Extracellular Functions of Viral RNA Sensor MDA5 in Complex with Disease-associated Autoantibody
Short Talk: Extracellular Functions of Viral RNA Sensor MDA5 in Complex with Disease-associated Autoantibody
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
Longs Peak Foyer
Meet the Editors (Joint)
11:00–12:00 PM
Longs Peak
Mishtu Dey, Cell Chemical Biology, Cell Press
*Session Chair, Editor-in-Chief
*Session Chair, Editor-in-Chief
Gail Teitzel, Cell Press
Deputy Editor
Deputy Editor
Iris Marchal, Springer Nature AG & Co. KG
Associate Editor, Reviews
Associate Editor, Reviews
Yehu Moran, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Academic Editor, EMBO Press
Academic Editor, EMBO Press
On Own for Lunch
11:00–2:30 PM
Symposia Spotlight 2: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions
2:30–4:30 PM
Grays Peak
* Jorge Henao-Mejia, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Session Chair
Session Chair
Scott Alper, National Jewish Health
Myelodysplastic Syndrome-Associated Spliceosome Mutations Weaken Host Defense by compromising myeloid cell function
Myelodysplastic Syndrome-Associated Spliceosome Mutations Weaken Host Defense by compromising myeloid cell function
David Dulin, VU Amsterdam
Short Talk: MDA5 Employs ATP Hydrolysis to Condense Long Dsrna into a Stable Nucleoprotein Complex
Short Talk: MDA5 Employs ATP Hydrolysis to Condense Long Dsrna into a Stable Nucleoprotein Complex
Ruxiao Tian, Columbia University
A Long Noncoding RNA Genetic Risk Factor of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
A Long Noncoding RNA Genetic Risk Factor of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Ira Fleming, University of Colorado, Anschutz
Complementary Transcriptomic Methods Provide Alternative Views of Messenger RNA Vaccine Distribution in the Murine Lymph Node
Complementary Transcriptomic Methods Provide Alternative Views of Messenger RNA Vaccine Distribution in the Murine Lymph Node
Morgane Gourvest, NYU Langone Medical Center - NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Long Noncoding RNA Regulation of Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
Long Noncoding RNA Regulation of Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
Pooja Mukherjee, UC Berkeley
miRNA-Mediated Translational Activation and Repression During Early T Cell Activation in Jurkat Cells
miRNA-Mediated Translational Activation and Repression During Early T Cell Activation in Jurkat Cells
Ainara Castellanos-Rubio, University of Basque Country
Epitranscriptomic Regulation of Immune Response: The Role of MAPKAPK5AS1 lncRNA in IFN-γ Secretion and Autoimmune Disease Modulation
Epitranscriptomic Regulation of Immune Response: The Role of MAPKAPK5AS1 lncRNA in IFN-γ Secretion and Autoimmune Disease Modulation
Kristin Patrick, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Neat1 and the Nuclear Paraspeckle Orchestrate the Early Innate Immune Response in Macrophages
Neat1 and the Nuclear Paraspeckle Orchestrate the Early Innate Immune Response in Macrophages
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Longs Peak Foyer
RNA and Therapeutics (Joint)
5:00–6:45 PM
Longs/Grays Peaks
* Uttiya Basu, Columbia University
Session Chair
Session Chair
Jorge Henao-Mejia, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
RNA Regulation of Tumor Associated Macrophages
RNA Regulation of Tumor Associated Macrophages
Trey Westbrook, Baylor College of Medicine
Targeting RNA Splicing in Cancer: From Synthetic Lethality to Immuno-Oncology
Targeting RNA Splicing in Cancer: From Synthetic Lethality to Immuno-Oncology
Michael G Kharas, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
RNA Methylation and Control of Cellular Fate in the Blood
RNA Methylation and Control of Cellular Fate in the Blood
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)
6:45–7:00 PM
Longs/Grays Peaks
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
Quandary Peak
8:00–9:00 PM
Longs Peak
Cash Bar
8:00–9:00 PM
Quandary Peak
Friday, January 31, 2025
12:00–11:59 PM
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