Joint with: Mechanisms of Microbiota-Immune Interactions-Towards the Next Decade
Circulating Metabolic Intermediates as Fuels and Signals

October 8-11, 2023 | Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, UT, United States
Scientific Organizers: Sven Enerbäck, Joshua D. Rabinowitz and Sarah-Maria Fendt

  In Person
  On Demand

October 8-11, 2023 | Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, UT, United States
Scientific Organizers: Sven Enerbäck, Joshua D. Rabinowitz and Sarah-Maria Fendt

Available Formats:   = In Person     = On Demand
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Arrival and Registration  
10:00–2:00 PM
 Ballroom Lobby
Welcome Mixer  
12:00–2:00 PM
 Ballroom Lobby
Monday, October 9, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Golden Cliff / Eagles
Welcome and Keynote Session (Joint)  
2:00–3:30 AM
 Ballroom 1-3
* Sven Enerbäck, University of Gothenburg
Session Chair
* Jorge Henao-Mejia, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Session Chair
June L. Round, University of Utah
Microbes with Benefits: Microbe-immune Interactions that Promote Metabolic Health
Bruce M. Spiegelman, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Inputs and Outputs of Adipose
Coffee Break  
3:30–3:50 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
Microbiota and Circulating Metabolites in Host Physiology and Immunity (Joint)  
3:50–5:15 AM
 Ballroom 1-3
* Tim Hand, University of Pittsburgh
Session Chair
Kathryn E. Wellen, University of Pennsylvania
Understanding the Interplay Between Diet, Acetyl-CoA synthesis, and Hepatic Lipid Homeostasis
Michael A. Fischbach, Stanford University
Microbiota Derived Metabolites and Host Physiology
Nicole D. Sonnert, Yale University
Short Talk: A Host-Microbiota Interactome Reveals Extensive Transkingdom Connectivity
Erica Maissy, UCSD
Short Talk: Gut Microbial Bile Acid Modifications With Engineered Native Bacteria Ameliorate Metabolic Features In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
On Own for Lunch  
5:15–11:00 AM
Poster Setup  
5:15–7:00 AM
Poster Viewing  
7:00–4:00 PM
Workshop 1  
9:00–10:30 AM
 Ballroom 3 Lobby
* Karthikeyani Chellappa, Brown University
Session Chair
Haopeng Xiao, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/ Harvard Medical School
A Multiomic Systems Approach to Mechanistically Characterize Novel Regulators of Metabolic Pathways
Rachel K. Meyer, University of Arizona
Impact of Postprandial Butyrate Production on Hepatic Glucose Production via Colonic and Hepatic Signaling Pathways
Joseph R. Visker, University of Utah
Targeting the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier (MPC1) Ameliorates Myocardial Ischemic Reperfusion Injury in Mice
Karthikeyani Chellappa, Brown University
Microbial NAD Metabolism: Missing Link in Organismal NAD Biology
Adam J. Rauckhorst, University of Iowa
Pathways of Hepatic De Novo Lipogenesis
Samuel M. Lancaster, Stanford University
Deep Metabolic Phenotyping of Newborn Cord Blood Reveals Maternal-fetal Interactions and Disease Risk
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
Intermediary Metabolites as Fuels  
11:00–1:00 PM
 Ballroom 3
* Sarah-Maria Fendt, VIB-KU Leuven
Session Chair
* Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Princeton University
Session Chair
Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Princeton University
Lactate as Waste and Fuel
Marc K. Hellerstein, University of California, Berkeley
Flux in Humans.Very Useful.
Maria Dolores Moya-Garzon, Stanford
Short Talk: A Family of Orphan Ketone Metabolites that Regulates Energy Homeostasis
Eric S. Goetzman, University of Pittsburgh
Short Talk: Dodecanedioic Acid as an Alternative Metabolic Fuel
Elaine Y. Hsiao, University of California, Los Angeles
Microbiome-diet Interactions for Regulating Neuronal Activity
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:00–2:00 PM
Poster Session 1  
1:30–4:00 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Golden Cliff / Eagles
Muscle and Exercise  
2:00–5:00 AM
 Ballroom 3
* Katrien De Bock, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Session Chair
George A. Brooks, University of California, Berkeley
Muscle and Whole Body Lactate Kinetics: Organ-Organ, Cell-Cell, Intracellular, and Postprandial Lactate Shuttles
Katrien De Bock, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Glutamine Metabolism and Muscle Stem Cell Fate Decisions
Zoltan Arany, University of Pennsylvania
Metabolic Flux in Exercise
Charlotte Mann, ETHZ
Short Talk: Sulfur Amino Acid Restriction Enhances Exercise Capacity in Mice by Reprogramming Glycolytic Muscle Metabolism
Arthur Kaser, University of Cambridge
Short Talk: A Purine Nucleotide Cycle Interlocking Energy Metabolism is Widespread across the Organism
Coffee Break  
3:00–3:20 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
On Own for Lunch  
5:00–11:00 AM
Poster Setup  
5:00–7:00 AM
Poster Viewing  
7:00–4:00 PM
Career Roundtable (Joint)  
9:00–10:30 AM
 Ballroom 1-3
Zoltan Arany, University of Pennsylvania
Rose L. Szabady, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Associate Director, IBD Research
Elaine Y. Hsiao, University of California, Los Angeles
Associate Professor
Romina S. Goldszmid, NCI, National Institutes of Health
Earl Stadtman Investigator
Harry Sokol, INSERM
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
Metabolite Drivers of Health and Disease  
11:00–1:00 PM
 Ballroom 3
* Sven Enerbäck, University of Gothenburg
Session Chair
* Sarah-Maria Fendt, VIB-KU Leuven
Session Chair
Sarah-Maria Fendt, VIB-KU Leuven
Metabolic Rewiring Driving Metastasis Formation
Lora K. Heisler, Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen
Metabolites Influencing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Gregory S. Ducker, University of Utah
Flexibility of Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Normal and Failing Heart
Kyle N Dunlap, University of Utah
Short Talk: A Functional Genomics Screen Reveals an Essential Citrulline Transporter
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:00–2:00 PM
Poster Session 2  
1:30–4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Golden Cliff / Eagles
Metabolites as Signaling Molecules  
2:00–5:00 AM
 Ballroom 3
* Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Princeton University
Session Chair
* Sven Enerbäck, University of Gothenburg
Session Chair
Sven Enerbäck, University of Gothenburg
How Foxk1 and Foxk2 Regulate Aerobic Glycolysis – Implications for Systemic Energy Homeostasis and Type 2 Diabetes
Mariia Yuneva, Francis Crick Institute
Identifying Metabolic Requirements of Tumours in vivo
Edward T. Chouchani, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Mechanisms of Protein Regulation by Lactate
Christine Vohwinkel, University of Colorado, School of Medicine
Lactate Mediated Metabolic Cross-talk Between Alveolar Macrophages and Epithelium in Acute Lung Injury Attenuates Excessive inflammation via histone lactylation
Coffee Break  
3:00–3:20 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
On Own for Lunch  
5:00–11:00 AM
Poster Setup  
5:00–7:00 AM
Poster Viewing  
7:00–4:00 PM
Workshop 2  
9:00–10:30 AM
 Ballroom 3/Lobby
* Andrea Galmozzi, UW Madison SMPH
Session Chair
Andrea Galmozzi, UW Madison SMPH
Adipose Heme Biosynthesis Regulates Metabolic Homeostasis and Energy Expenditure
Anthony Verkerke, BIDMC
BCAA Flux in Brown Fat Regulates Insulin Sensitivity Independent of Thermogenesis
Tong Wang, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School
Machine Learning for Precision Nutrition
Jaclyn A Rivas, University of New Mexico Health Sciences
Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Alterations in the Colon of Mice with Metabolic Syndrome in the Absence of Inflammation
Hadar Israeli, Hadassa Medical School, Hebrew University
Unraveling Weight Loss-Independent Mechanisms following Sleeve Gastrectomy for Alleviating Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Genki Ichihara, Keio University School of Medicine
MRP1-dependent Extracellular Release of Glutathione Induces Cardiomyocyte Ferroptosis After Ischemia-Reperfusion
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Ballroom Lobby
* Joanna Kalucka, Aarhus University
Session Chair
Michelle F. Clasquin, Pfizer, Inc.
Expanding the Chemical Space of Synthetic Metabolites to Study a Protein of Unknown Function with Therapeutic Potential in NASH
Joanna Kalucka, Aarhus University
Heterogeneity of Vascular Endothelial Cells in Human Adipose Tissue: Implications for Health and Disease
Bowen Tan, Rockefeller University
Short Talk: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Leptin Resistance
Rémi Montané, Restore Institute
Short Talk: Regulation of Systemic Lactate Fluxes by Brown and Beige Adipose Tissues
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)  
12:45–1:00 PM
 Ballroom 3
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:00–2:00 PM
Poster Session 3  
1:30–4:00 PM
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome  
5:00–6:45 PM
 Ballroom 3
Thursday, October 12, 2023
2:00–2:00 AM

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