Long COVID and Other Post-Acute Infection Syndromes

January 1-4, 2026 | Location to be Determined
Scientific Organizers: Akiko Iwasaki, Avindra Nath, Hannah Davis and Daniel M. Altmann

  In Person
  On Demand

January 1-4, 2026 | Location to be Determined
Scientific Organizers: Akiko Iwasaki, Avindra Nath, Hannah Davis and Daniel M. Altmann

Available Formats:   = In Person     = On Demand
Thursday, January 1, 2026
4:00–8:00 PM
Welcome Mixer
6:00–8:00 PM
Friday, January 2, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote Address
8:00–9:00 AM
Speaker to be Announced
Epidemiology, Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Long COVID
9:00–11:15 AM
Ziyad Al-Aly †, Washington University School of Medicine
Epidemiology of Long COVID
Hannah Davis, Patient-Led Research Collaborative
Long COVID: Major Findings, Mechanisms and Recommendations
David Putrino †, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Long COVID
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:30–9:50 AM
Poster Setup
11:15–1:00 PM
On Own for Lunch
11:15–5:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Immunological Dysfunction and Mechanisms of Long COVID
5:00–7:00 PM
Daniel M. Altmann, Imperial College London
Immune Signatures of Long COVID
E. John Wherry †, University of Pennsylvania
Using T Cells as Biosensors in Long COVID
Akiko Iwasaki, Yale University/HHMI
Immunological Mechanisms of Long COVID
Carmen Scheibenbogen †, Charite University
Autoimmunity in Long COVID and ME CFS
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Post-Acute Infection Syndromes
8:00–11:00 AM
Lisa F.P. Ng †, Infectious Diseases Labs, ASTAR
Post-Chikungunya Virus Autoimmune Syndrome
Michal Caspi Tal †, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pathophysiology of Post-Lyme Disease
Maureen R. Hanson †, Cornell University
Immune Deviations in ME CFS
Jeffery Cohen †, National Institutes of Health
EBV Infection: Post-EBV and EBV Reactivation in Long COVID and ME CFS
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:00–5:00 PM
Poster Setup
11:00–1:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Career Roundtable
3:00–4:30 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Gut, Sex and other Influences on the Manifestation of PAIS
5:00–7:00 PM
Maayan Levy †, University of Pennsylvania
The Role of Persistent Gut Infection in Long COVID
Sabra L. Klein †, Johns Hopkins University
Sex Differences in Long COVID Revealed by Animal Models
Brent L. Williams †, Columbia University
Defining Host-Microbiome Interactions that Underlie ME CFS
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Neurological and Vascular Damages in Long COVID
8:00–11:00 AM
Avindra Nath †, NINDS, National Institutes of Health
Neurological Complications in Long COVID and ME CFS
Jennifer Frontera †, New York University
Neurodegenerative Diseases Following COVID-19
Peter Rowe †, Johns Hopkins University
Orthostatic Intolerance in ME CFS
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:00–5:00 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Clinical Trials in Long COVID
5:00–6:45 PM
Michael J. Peluso †, University of California, San Francisco
Insights from LIINC Study and Monoclonal Antibody Trial
E. Wesley Ely †, Vanderbilt University
Reverse-LC Baricitinib Trial for Long COVID
Amitava Banerjee †, University College London
Insights from STIMULATE-ICP
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions
6:45–7:00 PM
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
8:00–11:00 PM
Cash Bar
8:00–11:00 PM
Monday, January 5, 2026
12:00–11:59 PM

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