Transposable Elements at the Crossroads of Evolution, Health and Disease

September 3-6, 2023 | Fairmont Chateau Whistler, Whistler, BC, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Kathleen H. Burns, Harmit S. Malik and Irina Arkhipova

  In Person
  On Demand

September 3-6, 2023 | Fairmont Chateau Whistler, Whistler, BC, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Kathleen H. Burns, Harmit S. Malik and Irina Arkhipova

Available Formats:   = In Person     = On Demand
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Arrival and Registration  
10:00–2:00 PM
 Macdonald Foyer
Welcome Mixer  
12:00–2:00 PM
 Macdonald Foyer
Monday, September 4, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Macdonald EF
Welcome and Keynote Address  
2:00–3:00 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Kathleen H. Burns, Dana Farber Cancer Institute | Harvard Medical School
Session Chair
Cedric Feschotte, Cornell University
Transposon Addiction
In Sickness and in Health: Transposons in Disease, Immunology, and Therapeutics  
3:00–5:15 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Kathleen H. Burns, Dana Farber Cancer Institute | Harvard Medical School
Session Chair
Vera Gorbunova, University of Rochester
Transposable Elements in Aging
E. Alice Lee, Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Transposable Elements in Neurobiology
Nancy L. Craig, SalioGen Therapeutics
Targeted Transposition for Gene Therapy
Joshua Dubnau, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Short Talk: Endogenous Retroviruses and TDP-43 Proteinopathy Form a Sustaining Feedback Driving Intercellular Spread of Neurodegeneration
Coffee Break  
3:30–3:50 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
On Own for Lunch  
5:15–11:00 AM
Poster Setup  
5:15–7:00 AM
 Macdonald EF
Poster Viewing  
7:00–4:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Workshop 1: TEs as Friends, Foes or Both  
8:30–10:30 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Henry L. Levin, NIH
Session Chair
Henry L. Levin, NIH
Removal of Retrotransposons by LTR-LTR Recombination Impairs Stress Response
Sonya A Widen, IMBA
Virus-like Transposons Cross the Species Barrier and Drive the Evolution of Genetic Incompatibilities
Grace YC Lee, University of California, Irvine
Epigenetic Silencing of Transposable Elements Drives Variation in Recombination Landscapes
Khalil Kashkush, Ben-Gurion University
Where the Wild Things Are: Transposable Elements as Drivers of Structural and Functional Variations in the Wheat Genome
Panpan Zhang, Cornell University
SAT-TEs: A Hidden Source of Human Genomic and Regulatory Variation
Jean-David Larouche, Université de Montréal
Transposable Elements Regulate Thymus Development and Function
Boxun Zhao, Boston Children's Hospital
Contribution and Therapeutic Implications of Transposable Elements in Genetic Diseases
Alexandra Whiteley, University of Colorado, Boulder
Regulation and role of the domesticated retrotransposon, PEG10, in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
Genomic Battlegrounds: Evolutionary Conflicts and Arms Races in the Mobilome  
11:00–1:00 PM
 MacDonald CD
* Harmit S. Malik, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Session Chair
Harmit S. Malik, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Indel’ible Evolutionary Landscapes of Host-virus Arms Races
Zhao Zhang, Duke University
Chasing the Jumping Genes
Amanda Larracuente, University of Rochester
Dynamic Evolution of Centromere-associated Retroelements and Satellite DNAs
Caroline Langley, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Short Talk: Structural and Evolutionary Constraints on HIV-1 Vif in the Context of Antiviral APOBEC3 Proteins
Josien van Wolfswinkel, Yale University
Short Talk: Transposable Elements in Regulation of Planarian Stem Cells
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:00–2:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Poster Session 1  
1:30–4:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Macdonald EF
Epigenomics and Epitranscriptomics of Transposition and Interactions with the Environment  
2:00–5:00 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Irina Arkhipova, Marine Biological Laboratory
Session Chair
Haruhiko Siomi, Keio University School of Medicine
Embryonic Development Requires Transposon Expression
Magnus Nordborg, Gregor Mendel Institute
Population Dynamics of Transposable Elements in Arabidopsis
Alexei A. Aravin, California Institute of Technology
Short Talk: Molecular Mechanisms of De Novo Formation and Trapping of Transposon Insertions by piRNA Clusters
Sharon Schlesinger, The Hebrew University
Short Talk: Insights into Retroviral Silencing: Smarcad1 Facilitates H3.3 Deposition on Retroviral Sequences in Embryonic Stem Cells
Jeffrey Hyacinthe, McGill University
Short Talk: Transposable Elements Impact the Regulatory Landscape Through Cell Type Specific Epigenome Associations
Cristina Tufarelli, University of Leicester
Short Talk: LCT13b, a Transcript Driven by the Antisense Promoter of a Retrotransposition Deficient L1PA2, has Functional Roles in Colon Cancer
Irina Arkhipova, Marine Biological Laboratory
Reverse Transcriptase-Related Genes at the Intersection of Environmental Stress Responses
Coffee Break  
3:00–3:20 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
On Own for Lunch  
5:00–11:00 AM
Poster Setup  
5:00–7:00 AM
 Macdonald EF
Poster Viewing  
7:00–4:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Career Roundtable  
9:00–10:30 AM
 MacDonald CD
Nancy L. Craig, SalioGen Therapeutics
Senior Vice President of Genetic Engineering and Mobile Elements
Henry L. Levin, NIH
Senior Investigator
Amanda Larracuente, University of Rochester
Associate Professor
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
Transposon Domestication and Co-Option at the DNA, RNA and Protein Levels  
11:00–1:00 PM
 MacDonald CD
* Edward B. Chuong, University of Colorado Boulder
Session Chair
Alan M. Lambowitz, University of Texas at Austin
Domestication and Applications of Bacterial Reverse Transcriptases
Miguel Branco, Queen Mary University of London
Placental Gene Regulation by Transposable Elements
Edward B. Chuong, University of Colorado Boulder
Immune Signaling Regulation by Transposon Exonization
Rachel Cosby, National Institutes of Health
Short Talk: The Host-transposase Fusion THAP7 is a Transcription Factor Implicated in Vertebrate Development and Human Intellectual Disability
Azra Lari, University of California, Berkeley
Short Talk: Gammaherpesvirus Infection Induced B2 SINE Retrotransposon Activation Drives mRNA Isoform Switching
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:00–2:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Poster Session 2  
1:30–4:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
 Macdonald EF
Transposable Elements in Cancer  
2:00–5:00 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Dixie L. Mager, British Columbia Cancer Agency
Session Chair
Kathleen H. Burns, Dana Farber Cancer Institute | Harvard Medical School
LINE-1 Expression and Retrotransposition in Cancer
John V. Moran, University of Michigan Medical School
Studies of a Human Retrotransposon
Ting Wang, Washington University
Transposable Elements in 3D Genome Evolution
Katherine Chiappinelli, George Washington University
Targeting Transposable Elements to Reverse Cancer Immune Evasion
Martin Taylor, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Short Talk: Structures and Activities of Human LINE-1 ORF2 Protein Reveals Novel Adaptations and Functions
Siyu Sun, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Short Talk: Cancer Cells Co-evolve with Retrotransposons to Mitigate Viral Mimicry
Coffee Break  
3:00–3:20 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
On Own for Lunch  
5:00–11:00 AM
Workshop 2: Bioinformatic and Multi-omic Tools  
8:30–10:30 AM
 MacDonald CD
* Arian F.A. Smit, Institute for Systems Biology
Session Chair
Clément Goubert, McGill University / University of Arizona
GraffiTE: A Unified Framework to Analyze Transposable Element and Repeat-derived Structural Variants Using Pan-genome Graphs
Xiaoyu Zhuo, Washington University at St. Louis
Characterizing CpG Methylation of Polymorphic TE Insertions in Human Using Third-generation Sequencing
Jun Ding, McGill University
MATES: A Deep Learning-Based Model for Quantifying Transposable Elements in Single-Cell Sequencing Data
Matthew L. Bendall, Weill Cornell Medicine
Single Cell Retrotranscriptomics with Stellarscope: Developing a Single Cell Transposable Element Atlas of Human Cell Identity
Bo Zhang, Washington University In St. Louis
Using TSRdetector to Quantify TE-derived Transcripts at the Single Cell Type Level
Bimala Acharya, Iowa State University
Hunting for Helitrons with Genome-wide Identification of Trans-duplicate Genes
Anubhuti Mathur, Tessera Therapeutics
Writing Large DNA Sequences into the Genome with Engineered Gene Writers
Asiya Gusa, Duke University School of Medicine
TE Mobility in Serial Isolates of Cryptococcus from Patients with Recurrent Cryptococcal Meningitis
Coffee Available  
10:30–11:00 AM
 Macdonald Foyer
Structural and Mechanistic Underpinnings of Transposition across the Kingdoms of Life  
11:00–1:00 PM
 MacDonald CD
* Orsolya Barabas, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Session Chair
Orsolya Barabas, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
DNA Folding and Sequence Asymmetry Promote Conjugative Transposition of Antibiotic Resistance Between Diverse Bacteria
Phoebe A. Rice, University of Chicago
Large Serine Integrases: How do they know which way to go?
Jeff F. Miller, University of California, Los Angeles
Accelerated Protein Evolution by Diversity-Generating Retroelements
Elizabeth Kellogg, Cornell University
Short Talk: Mechanisms of RNA-guided DNA Transposition
Alba Guarne, McGill University
Short Talk: Structural Basis for Targeting and Immunity of the Tn7 Transposon
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)  
1:00–1:15 PM
 MacDonald CD
Social Hour with Lite Bites  
1:15–2:15 PM
 Macdonald EF
Cash Bar  
2:15–3:00 PM
 Macdonald EF
Thursday, September 7, 2023
1:00–5:59 PM

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