Long COVID and Post Acute Sequalae of SARS CoV 2 (PASC): Pathogenesis and Treatment
Aug 27–30, 2023 | Eldorado Hotel & Spa, Santa Fe, NM, United States
Scientific Organizers:
Steven G Deeks, Michael J. Holtzman, Resia Pretorius and Catherine A. Blish
In Person
On Demand
Aug 27–30, 2023 | Eldorado Hotel & Spa, Santa Fe, NM, United States
Scientific Organizers:
Steven G Deeks, Michael J. Holtzman, Resia Pretorius and Catherine A. Blish
Available Formats:
Supported by the Directors' Fund
In Person
On Demand
Available Formats: = In Person = On Demand
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Booking Function
Merchandise Options
Registration Options
10:00–2:00 PM
Cava Santa Fe
Welcome Mixer
12:00–2:00 PM
Cava Santa Fe
Monday, August 28, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Poster Setup
1:30–2:00 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Welcome and Keynote Address
2:00–3:00 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Michael J. Holtzman, Washington University in St. Louis / NuPeak Therapeutics
Sesion Chair
Sesion Chair
* Steven G. Deeks, University of California, San Francisco
Session Chair
Session Chair
Gary H. Gibbons, NHLBI, National Institutes of Health
Addressing the Public Health Threat of PASC—NIH RECOVER Initiative
Addressing the Public Health Threat of PASC—NIH RECOVER Initiative
Poster Viewing
2:00–1:00 PM
Anasazi Ballroom
Acute to Chronic
3:00–5:30 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Avindra Nath, NINDS, National Institutes of Health
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Michael J. Peluso, University of California, San Francisco
Session Chair
Session Chair
Michael J. Holtzman, Washington University in St. Louis / NuPeak Therapeutics
Defining and Fixing Viral Reprogramming
Defining and Fixing Viral Reprogramming
Andrea Lynn Cox, Johns Hopkins University
Sex, Obesity, Immunometabolism, and Viral Persistence in Post-acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Sex, Obesity, Immunometabolism, and Viral Persistence in Post-acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Akiko Iwasaki, Yale University/HHMI
Distinguishing Features of Long COVID Identified through Immune Profiling
Distinguishing Features of Long COVID Identified through Immune Profiling
Michael J. Peluso, University of California, San Francisco
Short Talk: Short Talk: Multimodal Assessment of Antigen Persistence in the Post-Acute Phase of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Short Talk: Short Talk: Multimodal Assessment of Antigen Persistence in the Post-Acute Phase of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Ella Borberg, Harvard Medical School
Short Talk: Short Talk: Uncovering the Link between SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Persistence and Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19
Short Talk: Short Talk: Uncovering the Link between SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Persistence and Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19
Coffee Break
3:30–3:50 AM
5:30–6:30 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Poster Session 1
6:00–8:30 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Workshop 1: Pathogenesis
8:30–10:30 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Harlan Krumholz, Yale University School of Medicine
Session Chair
Session Chair
Julio Silva, Yale School of Medicine
Session Chair
Session Chair
Michael J. Patton, Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute
Determinants of Pulmonary Post-acute Sequelae of SARS-COV-2 (PASC): A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Determinants of Pulmonary Post-acute Sequelae of SARS-COV-2 (PASC): A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Ling Li, University of Minnesota
Capturing the Impact of Age, Sex, and APOE Genotype on the Progression of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Subsequent Neuroinflammation in Mouse Models
Capturing the Impact of Age, Sex, and APOE Genotype on the Progression of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Subsequent Neuroinflammation in Mouse Models
Seynt Jiro Sahagun, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Endotrophin and PASC Symptoms at 12 Months After Acute COVID-19 Infection
Endotrophin and PASC Symptoms at 12 Months After Acute COVID-19 Infection
John Michael Powers, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omicron Lineage Variants Display Acute and Chronic Fibrotic Pathologic Lung Disease in BALB/c Mice
Omicron Lineage Variants Display Acute and Chronic Fibrotic Pathologic Lung Disease in BALB/c Mice
Amber Wolabaugh, Columbia University
A Novel Human Immune System Mouse Model for COVID-19
A Novel Human Immune System Mouse Model for COVID-19
Julio Silva, Yale School of Medicine
Testosterone is a Key Differentiator of Sex-specific Immune Profiles and Symptomology in Long COVID
Testosterone is a Key Differentiator of Sex-specific Immune Profiles and Symptomology in Long COVID
Alexandra Tabachnikova, Yale University
Identification of Elevated and Altered Humoral Responses to Epstein-Barr Virus in Long COVID
Identification of Elevated and Altered Humoral Responses to Epstein-Barr Virus in Long COVID
Coffee Available
10:30–11:00 AM
Immunopathology of Long COVID/PASC
11:00–1:30 PM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Janko Z. Nikolich, University of Arizona College of Medicine
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Sara Morón-López, AIDS Research Institute - IrsiCaixa
Session Chair
Session Chair
Catherine A. Blish, Stanford University School of Medicine
Adipose Tissue Inflammation as a Potential Driver of Long COVID
Adipose Tissue Inflammation as a Potential Driver of Long COVID
Anna Aschenbrenner, Systems Medicine, DZNE
Immunologic Correlates of Long COVID Following Mild Disease
Immunologic Correlates of Long COVID Following Mild Disease
Anthony Dominic Kelleher, University of New South Wales
Resolution of Immune Dysregulation and Improvement in Health-related Quality of Life in Individuals with Long COVID at 2-years Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Resolution of Immune Dysregulation and Improvement in Health-related Quality of Life in Individuals with Long COVID at 2-years Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Timothy J. Henrich, University of California, San Francisco
Jennifer A Liu, John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Short Talk: Short Talk: Sex Differences in SARS-CoV-2 during Acute and Post-acute Infection in a Mouse Model of COVID-19
Short Talk: Short Talk: Sex Differences in SARS-CoV-2 during Acute and Post-acute Infection in a Mouse Model of COVID-19
Brent Appelman, Amsterdam UMC
Short Talk: Short Talk: Muscle Abnormalities Contribute to Post-Exertional Malaise in Long COVID
Short Talk: Short Talk: Muscle Abnormalities Contribute to Post-Exertional Malaise in Long COVID
On Own for Dinner
1:30–2:30 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Vascular Disease
2:00–5:00 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Karl Morten, University of Oxford
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Jane Mitchell, Imperial College
Session Chair
Session Chair
Resia Pretorius, Stellenbosch University
Microclots and Platelet Hyperactivation as Key Pathologies in Long COVID
Microclots and Platelet Hyperactivation as Key Pathologies in Long COVID
Jane A. Mitchell, Imperial College London
COVID19 Brings Endothelitits and Systemic Vascular Manifestations of Infection into the Spotlight
COVID19 Brings Endothelitits and Systemic Vascular Manifestations of Infection into the Spotlight
Avindra Nath, NINDS, National Institutes of Health
Neuroinflammatory Syndromes and Microvascular Disease with COVID-19
Neuroinflammatory Syndromes and Microvascular Disease with COVID-19
Massimo Nunes, Stellenbosch University
Short Talk: Short Talk: Long COVID and ME/CFS: Shared Dysregulation of Coagulation, Complement Machinery, and the Endothelium Revealed by DIA LC-MS/MS Analysis of Plasma
Short Talk: Short Talk: Long COVID and ME/CFS: Shared Dysregulation of Coagulation, Complement Machinery, and the Endothelium Revealed by DIA LC-MS/MS Analysis of Plasma
Kailin Yin, Gladstone Institutes
Short Talk: Short Talk: Long COVID Manifests with T Cell Dysregulation, Inflammation, and an Uncoordinated Adaptive Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2
Short Talk: Short Talk: Long COVID Manifests with T Cell Dysregulation, Inflammation, and an Uncoordinated Adaptive Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2
Lavanya Visvabharathy, Northwestern University
Short Talk: Short Talk: Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infection Promotes Autoantibody Production in Long COVID Patients Despite Vaccination
Short Talk: Short Talk: Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infection Promotes Autoantibody Production in Long COVID Patients Despite Vaccination
Jon Izquierdo Pujol, IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute
Short Talk: Short Talk: PBMC Immunophenotyping, Plasma Inflammatory Profile and Antibody Levels of Children with Long COVID
Short Talk: Short Talk: PBMC Immunophenotyping, Plasma Inflammatory Profile and Antibody Levels of Children with Long COVID
Coffee Break
3:00–3:20 AM
Poster Setup
5:00–7:00 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
On Own for Lunch
5:00–11:00 AM
Poster Viewing
7:00–4:00 PM
Anasazi Ballroom
Career Roundtable
9:00–10:30 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
Lisa E. Gralinski, University of North Carolina
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Rosie D Lyles, AbbVie
Medical Director of Infectious Diseases
Medical Director of Infectious Diseases
Coffee Available
10:30–11:00 AM
Organ-Specific Syndromes
11:00–1:00 PM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Braeden Charlton, Vrije Universiteit
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Mitchell Miglis, Stanford University
Session Chair
Session Chair
Mitchell Miglis, Stanford University
Dysautonomia and POTS
Dysautonomia and POTS
John Wood, University of Southern California
Brain Fog in Children
Brain Fog in Children
Clifford J. Rosen, Maine Medical Center
Metabolic Aspects of PASC: The Impact of HDL and Lipid Peroxides
Metabolic Aspects of PASC: The Impact of HDL and Lipid Peroxides
Matthew S Durstenfeld, University of California, San Francisco
Short Talk: Short Talk: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and Heads up Tilt Table Testing in Cardiopulmonary PASC
Short Talk: Short Talk: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and Heads up Tilt Table Testing in Cardiopulmonary PASC
Kristin Sauter, Oregon National Primate Research Center, OHSU
Short Talk: Short Talk: Effect of Obesity on Long-term Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Rhesus Macaques
Short Talk: Short Talk: Effect of Obesity on Long-term Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Rhesus Macaques
Social Hour with Lite Bites
1:00–2:00 PM
Anasazi Ballroom
Poster Session 2
1:30–4:00 PM
Anasazi Ballroom
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
1:00–2:00 AM
Anasazi Ballroom
Lessons Learned from other Post-Infections Complications
2:00–5:00 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Leonard H Calabrese, Cleveland Clinic
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Adriana Marques, NIAID, National Institutes of Health
Session Chair
Session Chair
Lisa McCorkell, Patient-Led Research Collaborative
Patient Insights into Long COVID and Associated Conditions
Patient Insights into Long COVID and Associated Conditions
Karl Morten, University of Oxford
Developing a Blood Cell-Based Diagnostic Test for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Developing a Blood Cell-Based Diagnostic Test for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
William H. Robinson, Stanford University School of Medicine
EBV as a Driver of Chronic Disease
EBV as a Driver of Chronic Disease
Adriana Marques, NIAID, National Institutes of Health
Post-Lyme Complications
Post-Lyme Complications
Sarah R. Leist, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Short Talk: Short Talk: A Model of Persistent Post SARS-CoV-2 Induced Lung Disease in Mice for Target Identification and Evaluation of Therapeutic Strategies
Short Talk: Short Talk: A Model of Persistent Post SARS-CoV-2 Induced Lung Disease in Mice for Target Identification and Evaluation of Therapeutic Strategies
Braeden Charlton, Vrije Universiteit
Short Talk: Short Talk: Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function Contribute to Exercise Intolerance in Long COVID Patients
Short Talk: Short Talk: Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function Contribute to Exercise Intolerance in Long COVID Patients
Coffee Break
3:00–3:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
5:00–11:00 AM
Workshop 2: Disease Management
8:30–10:30 AM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Rasika Karnik, University of Chicago
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Rebecca Hamlin, Stanford University
Session Chair
Session Chair
Vashi Negi, Purdue University
A BSL-2 Chimeric System Designed to Screen SARS-CoV-2 E Protein Ion Channel Inhibitors
A BSL-2 Chimeric System Designed to Screen SARS-CoV-2 E Protein Ion Channel Inhibitors
James N. Baraniuk, Georgetown University
Naltrexone Restores Impaired Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 Ion Channel Function in NK Cells From Post COVID-19 Condition Patients
Naltrexone Restores Impaired Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 Ion Channel Function in NK Cells From Post COVID-19 Condition Patients
Rebecca L. Skalsky, Oregon Health & Sciences University
Virus-encoded MicroRNAs as Biomarkers of SARS-CoV2 Infection States
Virus-encoded MicroRNAs as Biomarkers of SARS-CoV2 Infection States
Rebecca Hamlin, Stanford University
Investigating the Immunobiological Basis of Long COVID in a Prospective Clinical Cohort
Investigating the Immunobiological Basis of Long COVID in a Prospective Clinical Cohort
Tongcui Ma, Academia (University, Research Institute etc.)
Post-acute Immunological and Behavioral Sequelae in Mice after Omicron Infection
Post-acute Immunological and Behavioral Sequelae in Mice after Omicron Infection
Brian Walitt, NIH/NINDS
Premorbid Conditions Predict Onset of New Neurological Manifestations and Long-term Disability Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Premorbid Conditions Predict Onset of New Neurological Manifestations and Long-term Disability Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Monika Haack, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School
Pain in PASC – The Role of Sleep Disturbances
Pain in PASC – The Role of Sleep Disturbances
Sindhu Mohandas, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Exploring the Clinical Spectrum of Pediatric Long COVID and the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines on Disease Course
Exploring the Clinical Spectrum of Pediatric Long COVID and the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines on Disease Course
Coffee Available
10:30–11:00 AM
Diagnostics, Management, and Therapy
11:00–12:45 PM
Eldorado Ballroom
* Matthew S Durstenfeld, University of California, San Francisco
Session Chair
Session Chair
* Lisa E. Gralinski, University of North Carolina
Session Chair
Session Chair
Lisa E. Gralinski, University of North Carolina
Complement Signaling Mediates Both Acute and Chronic Coronavirus-induced Lung Injury
Complement Signaling Mediates Both Acute and Chronic Coronavirus-induced Lung Injury
Harlan Krumholz, Yale University School of Medicine
Novel, Digital, Participant-Centric Approaches to Long-COVID Research
Novel, Digital, Participant-Centric Approaches to Long-COVID Research
David M. Systrom, Harvard Medical/Brigham & Women's Hospital
Neurovascular Dysregulation During Exercise
Neurovascular Dysregulation During Exercise
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)
11:45–12:00 PM
Eldorado Ballroom
Social Hour with Lite Bites
1:00–2:00 PM
Anasazi Ballroom
Thursday, August 31, 2023
6:00–5:59 PM
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