iPSCs: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges
Jan 26–29, 2026 | Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
Scientific Organizers:
Shinya Yamanaka, Yanhong Shi and Yasushi Kajii
In Person
On Demand
Jan 26–29, 2026 | Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
Scientific Organizers:
Shinya Yamanaka, Yanhong Shi and Yasushi Kajii
Available Formats:
Supported by:
In Person
On Demand
Available Formats: = In Person = On Demand
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Registration Options
Monday, January 26, 2026
Booking Function
4:00–8:00 PM
Welcome Mixer
6:00–8:00 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote Address
8:00–9:00 AM
Shinya Yamanaka, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto Univ, Gladstone Institutes
20 Years of iPSCs, Past, Present, and Future
20 Years of iPSCs, Past, Present, and Future
iPSC-based Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery
9:00–11:15 AM
Fred H. Gage, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
iPSC-based Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery for Neurological Disorders
iPSC-based Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery for Neurological Disorders
Lorenz Studer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
An Epigenetic Barrier in Human iPSC-based Cortical Neurons
An Epigenetic Barrier in Human iPSC-based Cortical Neurons
Deepak Srivastava, Gladstone Institutes
iPSC-based Modeling of Heart Diseases
iPSC-based Modeling of Heart Diseases
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:30–9:50 AM
Poster Setup
11:15–1:00 PM
On Own for Lunch
11:15–2:30 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Symposia Spotlight 1: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions
2:30–4:30 PM
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
3D Modeling using Organoids and Organs-on-a-Chip
5:00–7:00 PM
Guo-li Ming, University of Pennsylvania
Using iPSC-Derived Organoids to Study Neurodevelopment and Disorders
Using iPSC-Derived Organoids to Study Neurodevelopment and Disorders
Melissa Hector-Greene, Washington University in St. Louis
Modeling Dilated Cardiomyopathy using iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Engineered Heart Tissues
Modeling Dilated Cardiomyopathy using iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Engineered Heart Tissues
Christine L. Mummery, Leiden University Medical Center
Heart-on-a-Chip for Studying Cardiovascular Development and Diseases
Heart-on-a-Chip for Studying Cardiovascular Development and Diseases
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Human iPSC-based Therapeutic Development I
8:00–10:30 AM
Yanhong Shi, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope
Developing Human iPSC-based Cell Therapies for Myelin Disorders
Developing Human iPSC-based Cell Therapies for Myelin Disorders
Mathew M. Blurton-Jones, University of California, Irvine
Therapeutic Potential of Human iPSC-derived Microglia
Therapeutic Potential of Human iPSC-derived Microglia
Marinna Madrid, Cellino Biotech
Creating an Industrial Revolution for Personalized Cell Therapies
Creating an Industrial Revolution for Personalized Cell Therapies
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
Unlocking iPSC Innovations: Towards Life-Transforming Drugs Through the Ten-Year T-CiRA Academia-Industry Collaboration Program
10:30–11:30 AM
Yasushi Kajii, Takeda Pharmaceutical Inc.
Open Innovation Setting of T-CiRA to Transform Academic Insights into Drug Seeds
Open Innovation Setting of T-CiRA to Transform Academic Insights into Drug Seeds
Yoshinori Yoshida, CiRA, Kyoto University
Cardiomyopathy Project: Drug Discovery for Cardiac Diseases Using an Innovative iPS Cell-Based Platform
Cardiomyopathy Project: Drug Discovery for Cardiac Diseases Using an Innovative iPS Cell-Based Platform
Poster Setup
11:30–1:00 PM
On Own for Lunch
11:30–3:00 PM
Poster Viewing
1:00–10:00 PM
Career Roundtable
3:00–4:30 PM
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
Human iPSC-based Therapeutic Development II
5:00–7:00 PM
Hongjun Song, University of Pennsylvania
Studying Epitranscriptomic Regulation of Cortical Neurogenesis Using Human Organoid Models
Studying Epitranscriptomic Regulation of Cortical Neurogenesis Using Human Organoid Models
Mingxia Gu, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Therapeutic Development Using iPSC-derived Heart, Lung and Vasculature Organoids
Therapeutic Development Using iPSC-derived Heart, Lung and Vasculature Organoids
Hideyuki Okano, Keio University School of Medicine
Talk Title to be Announced
Talk Title to be Announced
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
7:30–10:00 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2026
7:00–8:00 AM
Clinical Trials Testing PSC-derived Products
8:00–11:00 AM
Masayo Takahashi, Kobe Eye Center, VCCT Inc.
Lessons Learnt from Retinal Regeneration using Autologous and Allogeneic Human iPSC-derived Cells
Lessons Learnt from Retinal Regeneration using Autologous and Allogeneic Human iPSC-derived Cells
Keiichi Fukuda, Keio University School of Medicine & Heartseed Inc.
Cardiac Regeneration Using iPSCs
Cardiac Regeneration Using iPSCs
Jun Takahashi, CiRA, Kyoto University
iPSC-based Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
iPSC-based Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
Speaker to be Announced
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Break
9:00–9:20 AM
On Own for Lunch
11:00–2:30 PM
Symposia Spotlight 2: Late-breaking research presentations selected from abstract submissions
2:30–4:30 PM
Short Talks Chosen from Abstracts
Coffee Available
4:30–5:00 PM
AI and Machine Learning in iPSC Research and Applications
5:00–6:45 PM
Feng Guo, IU
Brain Organoid Reservoir Computing for Artificial Intelligence
Brain Organoid Reservoir Computing for Artificial Intelligence
Speaker to be Announced
Katriina Aalto-Setala, Tampere University
Artificial Intelligence for Cardiac Drug Study
Artificial Intelligence for Cardiac Drug Study
Short Talk(s) Chosen from Abstracts
Meeting Wrap-Up: Outcomes and Future Directions (Organizers)
6:45–7:00 PM
Social Hour with Lite Bites
7:00–8:00 PM
Cash Bar
8:00–11:00 PM
8:00–11:00 PM
Friday, January 30, 2026
12:00–11:59 PM
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