Joint with: Heart Failure: All Cells Considered
Pulmonary Hypertension: State of the Art and Therapeutic Opportunities

Jun 25–28, 2023 | Eldorado Hotel & Spa, Santa Fe, NM, United States
Scientific Organizers: Marlene Rabinovitch and Kurt R. Stenmark

  In Person
  On Demand

Jun 25–28, 2023 | Eldorado Hotel & Spa, Santa Fe, NM, United States
Scientific Organizers: Marlene Rabinovitch and Kurt R. Stenmark

Supported by the  Directors' Fund
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: April 25, 2023
Scholarship Deadline: April 19, 2023
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: Deadlines not yet available for this meeting.
Poster Abstract Deadline: April 19, 2023
Meeting Summary

# Metabolism and Cardiovascular
Significance: Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a progressive condition in which narrowing and obliteration of blood vessels results in elevated resistance to flow that culminates in heart failure. Current approved therapies improve survival and quality of life but new research approaches that tackle the complexities of pulmonary hypertension will allow us to identify, develop and pursue those agents that reverse disease. The goal of this meeting is therefore to showcase scientific advances in six areas that impact vascular and immune cell function i) mitochondrial dynamics (ii) epigenomics and integrated omics (iii) aging and sex determinants (iv) genetics and data science (v) bioengineering and regeneration and (vi) inflammation. Innovation: We will invite a keynote speaker who can speak to the future of gene editing in pulmonary hypertension and heart failure and we will also invite investigators with expertise in the above areas of interest who do not work on pulmonary hypertension to engage our seasoned and young investigators in a way that will lead to innovative scientific approaches. We will challenge our pulmonary hypertension speakers to relate their focus of investigation to others in the field, to establish relationships and bridge gaps that will identify therapeutic possibilities beyond targeting one pathway or molecule. The pitfalls of current animal models and culture systems will be addressed in light of the complexities of the disease and workshops will highlight (i) novel imaging technology and (ii) decision making of clinical and industry experts in moving basic discovery to the patient. The six themes designated above are of interest to both Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension investigators.

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