Joint with: Targeted Protein Degradation - RESCHEDULED
Ubiquitin Biology (Rescheduled from January 2022)

Nov 06–09, 2022 | Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Eric J. Bennett, Nicolas H. Thomä and Niels Mailand

  In Person
  On Demand

Nov 06–09, 2022 | Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Scientific Organizers: Eric J. Bennett, Nicolas H. Thomä and Niels Mailand

Supported by the  Directors' Fund
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: September 6, 2022
Scholarship Deadline: November 26, 2021
Global Health Award Deadline: January 9, 2023
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: Deadlines not yet available for this meeting.
Poster Abstract Deadline: September 22, 2022
Meeting Summary

# Biochemistry, Structural and Cellular

This meeting is a reschedule of Ubiquitin Biology originally scheduled for January 2022.  PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE!

Meeting Summary

Protein ubiquitylation regulates nearly every critical cellular pathway and emerging evidence has demonstrated that defects within the ubiquitin proteasome system can directly lead human disease, most notably neurodegenerative disorders. This has fueled a recent expansion of drug development efforts to harness the ubiquitin proteasome system to both aid in its functionality during disease progression and to specify individual targets for degradation. Several key questions regarding ubiquitin biology remain unanswered. Can individual cellular pathways, like DNA repair, be specifically manipulated by altering the activity of ubiquitin pathway enzymes? What are the major factors that limit ubiquitin proteasome function during disease pathogenesis? How do infectious diseases impact the ubiquitin system, and can we utilize these diverse mechanisms to develop new tools and paradigms to manipulate the ubiquitin system? The specific goals of the proposed meeting are: 1- Establish detailed connections between the diverse cellular pathways regulated by the ubiquitin system. 2- Determine the structural rules defining how individual proteins are specifically targeted by ubiquitin pathway enzymes. 3- Identify emerging themes using by pathogens to subvert the ubiquitin system 4- Foster enhanced collaboration between academia and the biotechnology industry toward the goal of developing therapeutics targeting the ubiquitin system. This joint meeting with “Targeted Protein Degradation” will provide a cross-disciplinary understanding of the various genetic and chemical approaches to identify mechanisms to specifically target individual proteins for degradation. One key outcome will be the establishment of collaborations between ubiquitin biologists studying how individual pathways are regulated by ubiquitin and industry leaders developing tools to both activate and inhibit ubiquitin pathway components.


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