Joint with: Respiratory Viruses: New Frontiers (Rescheduled from January 2022)
Viral Immunity: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Applications (Rescheduled from January 2022)

June 29–July 02, 2022 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Katherine Kedzierska and Paul G. Thomas

  In Person
  On Demand

June 29–July 02, 2022 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Katherine Kedzierska and Paul G. Thomas

Supported by the  Directors' Fund
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: April 27, 2022
Scholarship Deadline: October 6, 2021
Global Health Award Deadline: June 20, 2022
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: Deadlines not yet available for this meeting.
Poster Abstract Deadline: April 27, 2022
Meeting Summary

# Immunology
# Infectious Diseases

This meeting is a reschedule of Viral Immunity: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Applications originally scheduled for January 2022.  PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE! 

Meeting Summary

Viruses infect millions annually, causing severe illness and threatening global public health, as exemplified by the recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Limiting the impact of viral infection requires a multi-layered understanding of viral immunity, from basic research on viral recognition and host immune response, to the clinical applications of novel antiviral and host-targeted therapies and vaccines. Despite recent advances, the mechanisms of both rapid host recovery as well as severe and fatal disease outcomes, are far from clear. This Keystone Symposia conference will cover a wide range of topics in viral immunity including innate immunity and inflammation, adaptive T and B cell immunity, novel vaccine development, human immunology across anatomical sites, and innovative computational analyses. Animal models will be examined alongside human and clinical studies, and multi-disciplinary integration will enhance perspectives. A key outcome will be fostering collaborations across different approaches such as viral models and host systems, and across different communities from academia to government to industry. The overall objective of this conference is to provide a unique opportunity for cross-disciplinary interaction and knowledge exchange. Joint efforts in understanding viral immunity are needed for the rational design and development of immunotherapies and vaccines towards seasonal, emerging, and re-emerging viruses.


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