Joint with: Trajectories to Heart Failure: Immunometabolic Mechanisms
Immunometabolism in Tissue Homeostasis and Diseases

Feb 10–13, 2025 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Ping-Chih Ho, María Mittelbrunn and Stanley Huang

  In Person
  On Demand

Feb 10–13, 2025 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Ping-Chih Ho, María Mittelbrunn and Stanley Huang

Supported by:
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: December 18, 2024
Scholarship Deadline: December 5, 2024
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: December 5, 2024
Poster Abstract Deadline: January 21, 2025
Meeting Summary

# Immunology
# Metabolism and Cardiovascular

Metabolic processes and enzymes provide regulatory circuits that tailor the behavior of immune cells in response to local and systemic metabolic states. Progress in the field of immunometabolism over the past 5 years has opened new horizons and potential therapeutic strategies for diseases of aging, cancer, and metabolic disorders. However, our understanding of the intersection of immunity and metabolism remains largely restricted to the cellular and molecular levels. To facilitate the translational impact of immunometabolism, this meeting will bring together leading scientists in the areas of aging, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and microbiome to explore beyond the molecular and cellular level, to collectively address unmet medical needs that can be targeted with immunometabolic interventions.

Specifically, the program will cover the following topics:

1) Immunometabolic crosstalk in tissues and systemic aging;
2) vascular biology;
3) cancer and cancer immunotherapies harnessing immunometabolism;
4) Microbiome-mediated immunometabolic regulations;
5) Metabolite-guided signaling regulations in immune responses.

Each session will integrate basic research with translational and industry perspectives to achieve a comprehensive and holistic understanding. The meeting will feature highly interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions, driving interdisciplinary interactions and collaborations that will broaden the scope and impact of the field of immunometabolism.

The conference will be held jointly with the Keystone Symposium on Trajectories to Heart Failure: Immunometabolic Mechanisms to enable cross-disciplinary insights and collaborations towards understanding immunometabolic underpinnings of cardiovascular disease.

Meeting Co-Organizer and Head of the Immunometabolism and Inflammation Laboratory at Centro de Biología Molcular Severo Ochoa, María Mittelbrunn, talks about why you should attend this meeting in the video below:

And check out the speaker highlights in the video below:

Unique Career Development Opportunities

This meeting will feature a Career Roundtable where trainees and early-career investigators will have the opportunity to interact with field leaders from across academic and industry sectors for essential career development advice and networking opportunities. Find out more about Career Roundtables here:

Federal Funding provided by the National Institutes of Health:

Funding for this conference was made possible [in part] by 1R13AI188633-01 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

To access the NIH Safe Environment Policy, please click here.


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