Joint with: Bioenergetics in Health and Diseases
Adipose Tissue: Energizing Good Fat

Jan 15–19, 2023 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Silvia Corvera, Kendra K. Bence and Rana K. Gupta

  In Person
  On Demand

Jan 15–19, 2023 | Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
Scientific Organizers: Silvia Corvera, Kendra K. Bence and Rana K. Gupta

Supported by the  Directors' Fund
Important Deadlines
Early Registration Deadline: November 15, 2022
Scholarship Deadline: October 11, 2022
Short Talk Abstract Deadline: Deadlines not yet available for this meeting.
Poster Abstract Deadline: October 11, 2022
Meeting Summary

# Metabolism and Cardiovascular
Adipose tissue plays a critical role in metabolic health and a better understanding of its biology will guide development of new therapeutics for metabolic diseases. The Keystone meeting on adipose tissue biology has historically been the premier communication venue for research in this area. Our specific goals for this meeting are to address key emerging questions, from physiological to molecular, facilitating synergy between established groups and providing new trainees with a better picture of critical knowledge gaps. These questions are: First, how do different adipose tissue depots contribute to systemic metabolism? Second, how many types of adipocytes exist, and how do they contribute to the functions of different depots? Third, how do adipocytes develop from progenitor cells, and how do elements such as immune cells, vasculature and innervation influence their development? Fourth, how do adipocyte lipid droplets and mitochondria develop, function and influence systemic metabolic homeostasis? We also seek to envision research on adipose tissue in relation to the broader topic of human health. Adipose tissue disfunction, as manifested by obesity and metabolic disease, disproportionally affects groups underrepresented in medicine and research. We will call attention to this inequity through a keynote address and a career development workshop. We will leverage the natural synergy between the meetings on adipose tissue and on bioenergetics with three joint sessions focused on a) mitochondria and their role in cellular and systemic metabolism, b) metabolomics with a focus on metabolic disease, and c) thermogenic adipose tissue.

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